The Ginger Monkey is in Chandler at Fulton Ranch Towne Center located at West Ocotillo Road and South Arizona Avenue. It has an awesome dog-friendly patio outside that is partially covered and has misters to help cool down. The patio offers plenty of comfortable seating giving options to accommodate even the largest dogs. The patio has tucked away spaces where a dog could observe from a safe distance.
This restaurant seems to be an upbeat and happening place. It was not busy on the weeknight when we went, July 11th, which would be a better time for new inexperienced dog diners to visit. The whole atmosphere of the restaurant in the evening is lively and fun and we had a really great time! However, for your dog, too much excitement, noise, and over-stimulation probably won’t have the same positive vibes that it did for us. A sense of commotion and hustle-bustle might cause worry for your dog. And when our dogs don’t feel right, we don’t feel right. Perhaps the atmosphere is calmer and quieter prior to the dinner crowd and D.J. music. You want to ensure your dog is not overwhelmed or anxious. But if your dog is an experienced restaurant connoisseur, and if your dog is super friendly and can handle a lot at one time, then this patio is paws-up fabulous!
We loved that this restaurant has a dog menu. That is so fun! Thanks Ginger Monkey!! Our pups need to eat too. Keep in mind, that when some dogs try new foods or new treats, the change may not agree with them. So, go sparingly if your dog has a sensitive tummy. Having a dog menu with dog food choices is so much fun!!! These are our kids!! When we can include ordering them a new menu item it is a reward for our dog and makes us feel good as pet parents.
When we met at this restaurant, we did not bring any dogs for a couple reasons. One, we had never been to The Ginger Monkey. It’s always a good idea to check out the establishment prior to popping in with your dog. The second reason we did not bring any dogs is because the weather was somewhat of monsoon with sudden bursts of downpour rain, high winds, dark clouds, lightening, and thunder. Which leads to the next topic of always choosing safety first.
We had dinner with Jade Whitney with www.teamcanine.com. We consulted Jade for this pet-dining blog because she has helped thousands of people prepare their dogs to be successful in high-traffic areas, to be support dogs or therapy dogs, and better mannered all around. She had a positive, gentle approach and understood the dogs from the dog’s perspective. And Jade is great at communicating to us humans what the dogs are thinking. Her comments and feedback in the nine must-do safety tips for pet dining are very much appreciated and helpful no matter if you are a beginner or an experienced pet-diner.
Nine must-do safety tips for when you take your dog to patio dine:
- Use a Martingale type of collar that your dog cannot slip out of under any circumstances. Most restaurants are located on busy roads.
- Arizona law requires your dog to be on a leash 6-ft in length or shorter. Retractable leashes are not allowed by law and for good reason. Click here to read why you should never buy a retractable leash.
- Never walk your dog across hot pavement. Look for shady parking or carry your dog if possible.
- Bring along a water bowl for your dog. They need to stay hydrated in the Arizona heat.
- The table you choose is key! Set your dog up for success by paying close attention on where to sit so your dog’s entire body (and tail) can fit under the table. Do not choose a table in the high traffic path nor near another dog. And be prepared to change tables if necessary should other people interrupt the safe place you originally selected.
- People, including children, will mostly likely approach your dog too quickly. Your dog needs YOU to be the protector. If your dog seems uncomfortable or looks worried, tell them politely that your dog is working now and can’t be petted. Although your dog is beautiful and may be super friendly, he/she may not want to be show-and-tell with every random stranger.
- Manners are important: not barking or whining excessively, not jumping up, sitting or lying down nicely under the table, friendly greetings when permitted. Keeping manners helps everyone, you, your dog, other patrons, and the restaurant staff enjoy the experience. We appreciate the privilege some restaurants offer of letting us include our dog. And if we keep our dogs in check, we can continue to have the privilege. But if your dog can’t keep manners in check, then leave the restaurant and try again on another day after some training.
- Be mindful of hot temperatures outside for the entire time you plan to have your dog with you. If you leave at 8 in the morning but plan to be out for three hours, temperatures really heat up. Dogs keep cool by sweating through the pads of their feet and by panting. But it is hard to cool off during Arizona summers because they are panting in temperatures over 100-degrees. So, if you will be out when the temps are too hot, then consider leaving your dog at home, or pet-dining only at early breakfast or at a known place that offers misters and shade.
- You have to be your dog’s protector, their guardian. Your dog is looking to YOU to keep them safe and out of harm’s way. You have to be always mindful of a busy changing environment and surroundings, always keeping an eye on your dog to gauge their comfort and safety levels. Sit a few inches back so you can easily view your dog under the table. You have to be ready to be a confident barrier if other people or another dog approach too quickly or too closely. When you walk with your dog on leash, your dog should be furthest away from the people and other dogs, or other possible hazards.
As with all our pet-dining experiences we will comment on the bathrooms. They are important! The bathroom at The Ginger Monkey is not pet friendly (which is fine), so be sure to dine with a friend who can watch your dog for you when you use the potty. The bathrooms are amazingly beautiful and very clean. I wanted to take a photo, but that would have been weird. You must see for yourself. And, be prepared because flushing the toilet is very difficult to figure out. You’ll see. Take reading glasses with you if you’re over 40 because the gadget is complicated. Maybe it’s the first “smart” toilet I’ve ever seen.
Note: We are encouraging taking regular non-service dogs to patio dine at dog-friendly restaurants because it can be a nice social experience. The blogs about our dog-friendly restaurant visits are not about service dogs. We respect the training service dogs have gone through to provide a valuable and necessary service(s) to their human.