Over the next few weeks we will be sharing information with you about our team members’ passion for animals. It is nice to know that our entire staff are pet fanatics, pet enthusiasts, and just crazy in love with animals, dogs especially.
Amber joined the Happy Pets Palace team July in 2016 shortly after relocating from Chicago, Illinois. Amber grew up in a household with small dogs. Always having small dogs as a kid she was really excited to have her very own big dog someday.
So at her very first job, Nardi’s Tower of Pizza in Chicago, when she was 17 years old, Amber saved up her first couple paychecks to buy her first BIG dog!
Bailey, a beautiful German Shepherd, was the first of five big dogs that Amber owns. Bailey is now 3 years old.
Within three years of getting her first dog, Amber now has five large dogs. Her other dogs include Brandy, a 2 year old Siberian Husky, Remy, a 1.5 year old chocolate Labrador Retriever, Stella, a 1.5 year old, all-black German Shepherd, and Kahlua, a 7 month old Belgian Malinois. They are all females.
Some people would say that’s crazy to have five dogs, especially five big dogs. But we at Happy Pets Palace see that as following your dreams and fulfilling your passion in life.

When Amber was 5-years old, she wanted to be a veterinarian and she practiced her skills on her stuffed animals. Her love for animals has been ever-present since she was a child.
As a young adult, Amber is a very responsible pet owner. All her dogs are spayed and current on all vaccinations.
She spends time with her dogs by either bringing them to play and socialize at Happy Pets Palace or taking them with her around the valley.
She LOVES going on adventures with her dogs – hiking, running, swimming, dog parks, basically anything outdoors. Stella loves swimming the most. Remy swims in circles. Kahlua likes to get her feet wet. Pretty much wherever Amber goes, one or more of her dogs are with her.
Amber does not allow her dogs to eat table food. She has made homemade dog treats many times! And every Sunday, she boils a chicken to mix in with their Blue Buffalo dry dog food. She likes Blue Buffalo because it is a well-known and trusted brand.

The training she practices depends on which dog she’s working with at the moment. Her Shepherd training (Bailey, Stella and Kahlua) is more complex than the Lab training (Remy). Her Husky, Brandy, is stubborn and just does her own thing!
Amber’s dogs have their own Instagram page which gained over 25,000 followers! You can check out their adventures by following them on Instagram (@sevendogsquad).